How Often Should I Replace The Battery In My Remote Control?

When you press the buttons on your TV remote so hard that the numbers start wearing off; when you have to press the lock button on your car remote 5 times to make it’s actually locked; when your garage door remote seems to have a mind of its own – that’s when you know you should replace the battery in your remote control!

But, believe it or not, there’s a way to prevent getting to this annoying stage in your battery’s life: changing the battery in your remote control at regular intervals.

We know – it sounds crazy, right? But the truth is, it’s so crazy that it usually works. Here’s how often you should replace the battery in your garage door’s remote control:

Every 1-2 years

Your garage door remote control doesn’t get used as heavily as other remote controls like your TV remote. While TV remote batteries can last up to a year, your garage door remote batteries can often last double.

It’s safest to change your remote control batteries ever 1.5 to 2 years so that your garage door runs like a well-oiled machine.

Why is this a preventative measure?

Great question – why is changing your remote batteries considered a preventative measure? Well, there are a few reasons we do this, on top of the fact that failing to do so can catch you out at the worst moment (when you’re late for work, an event, etc.)

  • It prevents battery leakage
    Ever cracked open a battery-operated device which you’ve never changed the batteries for, and seen that white, gritty stuff? Yep, that’s a battery leakage. Not only is that stuff toxic to humans, but it can also have detrimental effects on your device itself. Changing the batteries before they get to this state is the smartest, safest option.
  • It prevents corrosion
    Battery leakage can corrode the battery terminal in your remote control. If this happens, you can say goodbye to your remote and fork out for a new one. Now, is the cost of a new garage door remote control going to break the piggy bank? Probably not, but it’s a completely avoidable expense if you change the batteries at regular intervals.
  • It prevents hold-ups
    Garage door remotes are useless when they’re out of battery. You’ll then have to open or close your garage door manually, creating a hold-up. Change the batteries every couple of years and you won’t have to make a separate trip to Star Door Service to get new batteries!

Star Door Service are Perth’s team of legends for garage door repairs. Whether you need new remote control batteries, a new remote control, or a whole new door to be installed, don’t hesitate to contact the pros! Star Door Service deliver quality repairs at affordable prices, so grab yourself a quote today.
