How Long Does It Take To Repair A Garage Door?

Dealing with any kind of construction, maintenance or repairs is never exactly fun – especially when the job takes longer than initially quoted.

When building a home, for example, you can instantly add at least 3 months on top of the finish date that the builders gave you. When restoring an old car, you can add at least a year. And when waiting on your mate to return your leaf-blower that you lent him, you can pretty much kiss that thing goodbye forever.

But let’s get back to the point here: how long does it take to repair a garage door? In this post, we consult the specialist repair team from Star Door Service and give you the basic rundown.

Not that long

The good thing is, you’ll never, ever have to wait long for your garage door to be repaired. This is due to a range of reasons that keep the garage door repair industry running like clockwork. Here’s why

  • Abundance of parts and materials
    Unlike other industries like construction or auto-repairs, the garage door industry has an abundance of parts and materials. A quality team of garage door technicians like Star Door Service will always keep their parts warehouse stocked to the brim. This saves you from the dreaded excuse of, ‘we’re waiting on the parts to arrive’ – a seriously goat-getting conversation for anyone!
  • Shorter repair times
    Fixing a garage door isn’t like restoring an old muscle car. There aren’t as many components to deal with, it’s far less complex and, on the whole, it’s a much smaller job. Therefore, almost any garage door repair can be done within a day’s work, if not within a few hours. \

Duration of repairs depend on the type of work

Keep in mind that, although some garage door repairs can take as little as an hour, some can take multiple hours. It depends on the type of repair that needs doing – some are more complex than others.

Replacing the weather seal, for example, takes under an hour. Fixing the springs can take two to four hours. Replacing the garage door itself can take anywhere from four to six hours.

Choose a repairer who prides themselves on quality, not on speed

We know you want to get your garage door back in action as soon as possible – but it’s crucial to choose a garage door technician who focuses on quality, not speed.

Some garage door businesses claim they can fix your door quicker than others, and therefore charge you less for the job. But unless they’re some sort of superhuman, we can almost guarantee they’re cutting corners and stitching you up for greater repairs in the future. Not lubricating the wheels, not performing a track alignment, not inspecting the weather seal – these are all seemingly small things to neglect that can create a quicker need for repairs in the future.

Star Door Service get your garage door up and running properly and efficiently. They take pride in garage door repairs, working carefully to ensure your door is in A1 condition. Grab a quote from Star Door Service today.
