How Do I Secure My Garage Door From Break Ins?

‘Security’ can mean different things to different people. Our grandparents invented the trick of leaving the TV on when they left the house, making it look like someone was home. The kid from Home Alone had his own unique way of securing his house from robbers, what with all the red-hot metal doorknobs and improvised automatic flamethrowers. And although this made for great entertainment, it’d be a full time job rigging all that gear together in real life.

Better to go for something reliable, easy and economical when securing your garage door from break ins. Here, we consult the experts from Star Door Service and explain how to beef up your garage door security… without leaving any marbles on the floor!

Automatic opener with a scrambling code

If you’ve already got a garage door opener, then you can take a little comfort knowing that they’re harder to break into than garage doors without one. But if your opener is on the older side, then it probably doesn’t have the added benefit of a scrambling code.

A scrambling code, or rolling code, is one that changes each time you open and close your garage door, so that it’s impossible for hackers to crack the code. Most modern openers feature scrambling code technology, so an updated opener could be the first thing you invest in when securing your garage door from break ins.

Alarms and CCTV

A garage door alarm is never a bad idea if you really want to scare off potential intruders. Once the alarm is going off at 110 decibels, there’s no chance the intruders will keep trying their luck, and they’ll be sent running for the hills. A security camera is another highly effective tool at securing your garage door, but you’d most likely want to fit the rest of your home with cameras at the same time, which can work out to be quite expensive.

Cyclonic garage doors

Cyclone-proof garage doors aren’t just super effective at withstanding heavy winds – they’re also incredibly secure. Built with extra reinforcement and heavy-duty struts and brackets, it’s near impossible for an intruder to compromise the security of a cyclonic garage door.

Smart phone access

Want to monitor the status of your garage door, regardless of when and where? Choosing a garage door opener with smart phone access is a wise move. This way, you’ll always be able to tell when your door is opened or closed, and alert the police if it’s ever opened without your doing.

Securing your garage door is easy with a little help from the team at Star Door Service. One of Perth’s best teams for garage door service and repair, the legends at Star can help you out with secure, modern openers, cyclone-proof garage doors and a whole lot more, ensuring your home is totally safe from break-ins. Get in touch with Star Door Service to learn more.
